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Tasting Distilled Mead made by 1 год назад

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Tasting Distilled Mead made by

A while back now, Jesse from Still It reached out to me to get a little bit of insight in the meadmaking process and some of the ins and outs of fermentation with Honey as the primary (and in this case, only) source of fermentable sugars. You may have seen his videos about this and gotten his perspective, well, he got a sample to me and this is my perspective as a meadmaker (and whiskey enjoyer). Music: Wild West Vikings by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License Dreamy Interlude by Alexander Nakarada ( Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License StarDrifter by Amara Wolfe Soundcloud:   / amara-wolfe   Youtube:    / @amarawolfestudios4995  
