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Breckenridge Ski Tour: Pk 10 Groomed Runs (Hero7 HyperSmooth Test)

Breckenridge Real Estate Broker and Ski/Snowboard Instructor Ted Amenta tests the "Hypersmooth" feature of the GoPro Hero7 Black while skiing the single black diamond runs on Peak 10 at Breckenridge of Crystal, Centennial, Doublejack, and Cimarron. Visit for full listing details on all Breckenridge Colorado Real Estate listings and for more information about private ski & snowboard lessons with Ted. See the comments section below for discussion of GoPro Hero7 Black Protune and HyperSmooth camera settings tested. Finding the ideal settings for shooting ski videos while using the "HyperSmooth" feature of the GoPro Hero7 Black will be part of future videos on this channel as well. So, subscribe if interested... Crystal, Centennial, Doublejack, and Cimarron are all groomed on most days. And with the new 6 person Falcon chair-lift on Peak 10 at Breckenridge, this area of the ski resort is a good one to get in a lot of vertical feet for those who enjoy groomed single black diamond ski/snowboard runs. See the playlists of this channel for videos of 100+ other Breckenridge ski trails. The GoPro Hero7 Black camera settings used on Crystal and Centennial are: Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Resolution: 1080 Frames per Second: 60 Feild of View: Linear Video Stabilization: On Low Light: Off Protune: On Shutter: Auto EV Comp: -1 ISO Min: 100 ISO MAx: 400 White Ballence: Native Sharpness: Low Color: Flat On Doublejack, Resolution is set to 2.7K, all other settings are left the same. On Cimarron, Resolution is set back to 1080, Video Stabilization is turned Off, the camera is set in an EVO SS gimbal, and all other settings of the GoPro Hero7 Black are left as listed above.
