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Inventory Turnover Ratio Explained | Retail Dogma 2 года назад

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Inventory Turnover Ratio Explained | Retail Dogma

Take our comprehensive Retail Math Course Inventory turnover ratio is a very important metric in retail & ecommerce. It measures how many times a company sells and replaces its inventory during a given period of time; usually calculated for a year. This metric gives an idea about how efficiently a retail business is managing its inventory. Retail Math Fundamentals Course ABOUT US: Retail Dogma is an online platform that teaches retail & ecommerce; from the very basic knowledge for beginners, to the most actionable, technical, advanced knowledge. All the materials are prepared by professional retailers with more than 14 years of experience. We cover everything, from buying products, pricing, merchandising, managing sales, managing inventory, managing cash flow to managing financials. 📕 Learn Retail & Ecommerce Management
