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Sommelier Wine Blind Tasting Showdown | Bottle Battle 9 1 месяц назад

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Sommelier Wine Blind Tasting Showdown | Bottle Battle 9

Welcome to VinePair’s Bottle Battle, where New York City sommeliers go head to head in a blind wine tasting showdown. In this episode, Keith Beavers, VinePair Tastings Director and Paul Brady of Paul Brady Wines face off. Here’s how it works: In Round 1 and Round 2, each sommelier presents a wine — a white and a red — to test their opponent’s knowledge. In Round 3, the players both have to taste the same bonus wild card wine. After each round, the players must guess exactly what they’re drinking to earn points including, grape variety (10 points), country (3 points), region (5 points), and vintage (2 points). Get your corkscrews ready and let’s get to the battle. May the best blind taster win! 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - Meet Keith & Paul 00:57 - Round 1: White wine 02:10 - Guesses & Reveals 03:17 - Round 2: Red wine 04:30 - Guesses & Reveals 05:45 - Round 3: Wild Card Wine 06:11 - Guesses & Reveal 06:57 - Final Score & Winner 🔔Subscribe to VinePair’s YouTube Channel here:    / @vinepair   ➡️Follow Us: Instagram:   / vinepair   Facebook:   / vinepair   Twitter:   / vinepair   ABOUT VINEPAIR VinePair is the largest digital media company delivering accessible, entertaining, and inspiring content about drinks culture and important trends and topics in wine, beer, and spirits.
