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Are Deload Weeks Hurting Your Gains? (Science Explained) 7 месяцев назад

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Are Deload Weeks Hurting Your Gains? (Science Explained)

In this video, Pak from Stronger By Science talks about the current literature on deloads and their effect on muscular development. Gain access to 28 FREE Programs: Want us to help you reach your goals? References: Integrating Deloading into Strength and Physique Sports Training Programmes: An International Delphi Consensus Approach https://sportsmedicine-open.springero... “You can't shoot another bullet until you've reloaded the gun”: Coaches' perceptions, practices and experiences of deloading in strength and physique sports Gaining more from doing less? The effects of a one-week deload period during supervised resistance training on muscular adaptations Three Weeks of Detraining Does Not Decrease Muscle Thickness, Strength or Sport Performance in Adolescent Athletes #deload #deloadweek #hypertrophy "Are Deload Weeks Hurting Your Progress? (Science Explained)"
