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College Math Classes Tier List (UCSD Math)

s o c i a l s ☕ ---------------------------------------- Discord:   / discord   Instagram:   / chicken_marsella   Twitch:   / marselluh   Twitter:   / marselluhbot   business inquiries: [email protected] s u p p o r t 👏 ---------------------------------------- BuyMeACoffee: programmer merch: Join the club: my book list (affiliate): g e a r (affiliates) 🖥️ ---------------------------------------- Keyboard: Mouse: Monitors: Chair: Desk: Mic: Camera: gear store: d e s c r i p t i o n 🔥 ---------------------------------------- Chapters: 00:00 - intro 01:00 - Linear Algebra 02:26 - Calculus 04:10 - Mathematical Reasoning 06:08 - Modern Algebra 08:08 - Probability 09:42 - Combinatorics 10:35 - Numerical Optimization 12:28 - Applicable Mathematics and Computing 13:35 - Mathematical Software 15:33 - conclusion Check out my other tier list videos: Computer Science Classes Tier List (UCSD CSE) |    • Computer Science Classes Tier List (U...   Programming Language Tier List |    • Programming Language Tier List   Computer Science Major TIER LIST |    • Computer Science Major TIER LIST   Check out ucsd math course listings here: UCSD Math 18 - Linear Algebra Cover topics like matrices, Euclidean spaces, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and is ultimately the basis for a lot of future math and computer science subjects. Unfortunately, my professor at ucsd wasn't great so I found the class actually pretty difficult. UCSD Math 20A/B/C/D/E - Calculus Series This is the 5 class calculus sequence at ucsd for (usually) STEM majors. Each class covers a slightly different aspect of calculus. They all varied in difficulty, but overall the homeworks and the exams were pretty fair, and the professors were all fairly good. UCSD Math 109 - Mathematical Reasoning Cover topics relating to mathematical proofs. Overall an important fundamental class like linear algebra. Although the content was harder, the structure of the class was better. And the content of the course was somewhat interesting as well. UCSD Math 103A/B - Modern Algebra Basically a 2 sequence class in abstract algebra topics like rings, fields, and group theory. A truly fantastic professor and one of the best I had at ucsd. Probability This was one of the classes I took while studying abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. A very basic and foundational probability class. The professor was overall pretty good, and the labs provided an opportunity to investigate the more applied side of probability concepts. UCSD Math 184 - Enumerative Combinatorics Another abstract-ish math class. The professor was OK, but the content was leaning on the harder side. We covered topics like partitions, permutations, and bijections. The structure of the class was definitely better than Linear Algebra, but the content was also much harder. UCSD Math 171A/B - Numerical Optimization. These classes were a 2 sequence class covering both linear programming and nonlinear programming. The professor was pretty good and the actual content was much more applied than in other college math classes (which I liked). The exams and homeworks would range in difficulty, but overall a pretty decent class. UCSD Math 152 - Applicable Mathematics and Computing I actually don't remember what I did in this class or what we covered. Therefore it couldn't have been too bad or too great. UCSD Math 157 - Introduction to Mathematical Software This class was on my computer science classes tier list, because it was closer to a computer science class than a math class. Overall, a super tangible and useful class, and amongst my favorites (despite having really difficult homework assignments)! #ucsd #mathmajor #computerscience c r e d i t s 🎵 --------------------------------------- Evil Needle - Simplexity Blue Wednesday - Middle School Axian, falcxne, Makzo - Airplane Mode Blue Wednesday, Shopan - Toofpick Blue Wednesday, Felty - Caffeine Aviino - London Love Letters Blue Wednesday, Shopan - Home Court Stan Forebee - Along the Yarra d i s c l a i m e r ---------------------------------------- I do not claim to own any or all of the pictures/footage that may be shown in this video. All of my opinions are entirely my own and do not represent any company I work for or am affiliated with. Any financial topics discussed are not financial advice.
