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Скачать с ютуб How to make Maple Mead | Easy Acerglyn recipe with buckwheat honey, oak, and orange zest в хорошем качестве

How to make Maple Mead | Easy Acerglyn recipe with buckwheat honey, oak, and orange zest 3 года назад

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How to make Maple Mead | Easy Acerglyn recipe with buckwheat honey, oak, and orange zest

An acerglyn is a mead made with maple syrup and honey. Sometimes this means the mead is only back-sweetened with honey. But we believe that, by using the right yeast and a solid amount of maple syrup, you can achieve a richer, more buttery maple flavor that balances well against the honey. Then, by using a honey with character, like buckwheat honey, you get a product that highlights BOTH flavors well. Add in a little orange zest and toasted American oak, and you are in well-balanced Flavor Town. We hope you enjoy this video where we show you how to make a simple mead at home! We call it "The Ace!" 0:00 Intro 1:40 The Recipe 2:14 The Process 10:19 The Tasting The zester: (link supports the channel) Yeast nutrition primer:   / staggered_nutrient_additions   Batch Buildr Calculator: What maple meads are you interested in - or have you made? Let us know in the comments (or on Discord)! Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @dointhemost   Patreon:   / dointhemost   Website: Discord: Insta:   / dointhemostok   Mail us stuff PO Box 162 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 #howtomakemead #acerglyn #maplemead
