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Скачать с ютуб Viktor Vaughn, Earl Sweatshirt & Captain Murphy on Between Villains - Lyrics, Rhymes Highlighted 36 в хорошем качестве

Viktor Vaughn, Earl Sweatshirt & Captain Murphy on Between Villains - Lyrics, Rhymes Highlighted 36 3 года назад

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Viktor Vaughn, Earl Sweatshirt & Captain Murphy on Between Villains - Lyrics, Rhymes Highlighted 36

Highlighting the rhyme scheme of Earl Sweatshirt, Viktor Vaughn (MF DOOM alter-ego) and Captain Murphy (Flying Lotus rapper alter-ego) verses on Between Villains SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Share the video with your friends! 👥 Join the community in "The Spitlab" Discord:    / discord   ➡️ Facebook:   / spited   ➡️ Instagram:   / spiteducation   ➡️ Twitter:   / spiteducation   💸➡️ Donate to Spited via PayPal: 🎶 🔥 Spotify Playlists by Spited: 00:00 : Viktor Vaughn verse 00:52 : Earl Sweatshirt verse 01:42 : Captain Murphy verse // About Spited: #BehindThePen Purpose of this project is educating the hip-hop fans around the globe about the skill of rhyming ("who really spits"). Fans hardly know how skilled certain artists actually are or used to be. Some artists have the skill of making each syllable and/or word count and I want to shed some light on this skill. #RhymeScheme --------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes suchrein belong to their respective copyright holders, I do not claim ownership over any as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. NON-PROFIT, EDUCATIONAL or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. The music used in the video was not created/owned by us. If you (the owner) want to remove this video, please, contact me directly before doing anything. reaction check the rhyme
