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Health Tip - What is HRV 3 года назад

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Health Tip - What is HRV

Wearable devices can measure the variability between the beats of your heart and can indicate how relaxed you are-- "an objective measure of how chill you are," says Mike Mallin, MD. The more variability the better. Mallin and Julie Foucher, MD, provide their top 5 tips to increase heart rate variability. 1. Sleep- a regular bedtime & at least an 8-hour sleep opportunity every night 2. Exercise- a consistent amount over time, and be sure to allow time for adequate recovery 3. Avoid alcohol- more than one drink can cause HRV to plummet 4. Meditation & mindfulness 5. Breathwork- give this nasal breathing technique a try: a quick, 3-4 second inhale, followed by a slow 8-second exhale Disclaimer - ( CrossFit® - (
