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How To Make Kevin’s Famous Chili from The Office

Scranton’s very own Kevin Malone, er, Brian Baumgartner, actor/comedian from “The Office,” stopped by the MUNCHIES Test Kitchen to make a batch of his famous chili from his new cookbook “Seriously Good Chili Cookbook: 177 of the Best Recipes in the World.” Brian’s chili, which is inspired by Kevin’s infamous scene from “The Office,” has everything you could want: savory ground beef, ancho chili powder, and a clever secret ingredient (hint: it’s beans from a can). Brian shares not just his love for this one-pot crowd pleaser, but also what his character Kevin has done to bring joy to so many viewers and the gloriousness of physical comedy. You won’t want to miss this one! Check out the recipe here: Subscribe to MUNCHIES here: All MUNCHIES videos release a full week early on our site: Hungry? Sign up here for the MUNCHIES Recipes newsletter. Check out for more! Follow MUNCHIES here: TikTok:   / munchies   Facebook:   / munchies   Instagram:   / munchies   Twitter:   / munchies   Pinterest:   / munchies   More videos from the VICE network:
