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Скачать с ютуб Top 3 Secrets of Gymnast Diet (Get Shredded All Year Round) в хорошем качестве

Top 3 Secrets of Gymnast Diet (Get Shredded All Year Round) 10 месяцев назад

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Top 3 Secrets of Gymnast Diet (Get Shredded All Year Round)

I talk more about nutrition in this video (I also share some extra sauce)    • The Secret to Getting in Shape Despit...   Get the shredded physique of a gymnast: Download the app, become a member and get full access: Google Play Store: App Store: How to eat to look like a shredded gymnast? Many people ask about this topic, so in this video, I'm going to share some thoughts. To be honest, I don't know what kind of miracles some people expect or what they think gymnasts eat that other people don't. However, here are some thoughts to consider. Gymnasts are often mentioned as superhumans due to their performance. Their lean physique, endurance, performance, and mental focus are indeed unique. Now, what do you think such an athlete needs to eat? Do you think they live on fast food and snacks, eating whatever and whenever? Well, not really. I could bring up the car and fuel analogy. Supercars are usually filled with higher quality, premium fuel to maximize performance and engine lifespan. The same is true for gymnasts or athletes in general. I don't think there's anything surprising in that. This is why I said earlier that I don't know what kind of answer people are expecting to this question. Maybe they're looking for some sort of relief or excuse, like "of course, gymnasts also eat all over the place, but since they train a lot, it doesn't matter, so feel free to eat any junk you want" It doesn't work that way, and a poor diet can never be "out-trained", because even if you consume enough energy to maintain your weight and not gain fat, your health and performance won't be the best in the long run. I'm not saying there aren't examples of this, I'm sure there are athletes who cheat or don't eat completely clean, but for the best ones, their diet is usually top-notch as well. However, there's a lot to learn from the schedule and eating habits of gymnasts. Get the shredded physique of a gymnast: Download the app, become a member and get full access: Google Play Store: App Store:
