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Mario Maurer Mint Chalida Ken Phupoom: Prologue 8 лет назад

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Mario Maurer Mint Chalida Ken Phupoom: Prologue

Praepailin and Kewalin were separated at birth. Their father was a deadbeat and disappeared when their mother gave birth to them. Prae and Kew's mother passed away so they both were signed away to the orphanage home. The hospital ended up in flames so during the commotion, Praepailin's cart lost control so she fell in the river. Kewalin and Nattadet(Ken) grew up in an orphanage together. They're bestfriends and inseparable. One day at the temple, Praepailin and Kewalin felt each other's presence and got a glimpse of each other. They both grew up feeling like something was missing and at that moment, it felt right. Prae's partner pulled her away because they got a call to go check out a suspicious area that may have mafias dealing drugs. A lot in his mind, Nakrin almost ran over Kewalin. He got out of the car and did not ask if Kewalin was fine. Instead, he walked away from the scene as if nothing happened. Nattadet(Det) solved a drug case and was promoted to a higher position. He then meets his new partner in crime who looks exactly like his best-friend. Meanwhile at Kewalin's coffee shop, she meets the guy who nearly ended her life a week ago.
