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Скачать с ютуб ❇️ Track Ballast the stones beneath your train trips | How gravel holds the heavy load of trains? ❇️ в хорошем качестве

❇️ Track Ballast the stones beneath your train trips | How gravel holds the heavy load of trains? ❇️ 6 месяцев назад

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❇️ Track Ballast the stones beneath your train trips | How gravel holds the heavy load of trains? ❇️

This video covers everything you need to know about the crucial role of track ballast in railroad systems. Learn about the essential functions of track ballast, including load distribution, track stabilization, drainage, vegetation control, and shock absorption. We also explore the properties of different materials used for ballast, such as granite, quartzite, and limestone, explaining why they are chosen and how they contribute to a stable railway infrastructure. Perfect for train enthusiasts and those curious about railroads, this informative video breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand explanations. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon for more fascinating insights into the world of trains and railways! Topics Covered: What is track ballast? Functions of track ballast Properties of granite, quartzite, and limestone for ballast Maintenance and challenges of track ballast Importance of ballast in modern railroads
