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Let's Talk About That Resident Evil 1 Remake...

Resident Evil 1 remake is one of the best remakes ever made, and with the Resident Evil series more popular than ever, we need to talk about that Resident Evil 1 remake rumor from earlier this year. The 30th anniversary of Resident Evil is right around the corner, and it's going to be BIG. Can you believe that Resident Evil is turning 30 years old in 2026? Resident Evil fans far and wide are wondering what Capcom has up their sleeves for the 30th anniversary of the survival horror genre juggernaut, and dare I say it - it's time to go back to the game that started that very genre in a remake of Resident Evil. While the game has already been remade before, that remake is over 20 years old and very much kept the style and format of the original game on the PlayStation. A modern remake of this classic survival horror gem may be exactly the game we could get for the 30th anniversary of Resident Evil, and this leak on X from Bio Declassified earlier this year might just be pointing to that. Let's explore the reasons why another revisit to the Spencer Mansion may be just the thing in line for us in two year's time. Gamer Supps - Use code: "funmylife" at checkout to receive 10% off your order! Sources - Bio Declassified's Twitter/X: Dusk Golem's Twitter/X: Biohazard Declassified's video on RE1 Remake:    • More Details EMERGE from Resident Evi...   Go ahead and check out the trailer for the Resident Evil Remake Fan Remake, linked below:    • RESIDENT EVIL 1: REMAKE | OFFICIAL TR...   Resident Evil Remake project credits: @REBIOHAZARD @REIKO26 @ZERUM @JON ROB @RAN-J @JOSE MARIA Music - Kill Drill - Robert Ruth Infiltrator - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen Shock Blow - Robert Ruth Intense Pulse - Alan Carlson-Green The Taste of Fear - Christian Andersen
