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Скачать с ютуб FG Funnels - Integration with ConvertKit в хорошем качестве

FG Funnels - Integration with ConvertKit 3 года назад

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FG Funnels - Integration with ConvertKit

You signed up for FG Funnels, but you're still using ConvertKit or another email service provider to email your list? Here's how to get people into your ConvertKit if they signup for something (eg a lead magnet) in your FG Funnels, so you can email them from inside ConvertKit. Got questions? Drop them in the comments below and I'll get back to you! Need help setting all this up? Feel free to email me at [email protected]. I'm a Tech VA and would love to help you out! If you don't have an FG Funnels account just yet, check out the Founder's Deal here: (affiliate link)
