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The RAG Podcast - Season 2 - Episode 18 with Nick Eaves 4 года назад

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The RAG Podcast - Season 2 - Episode 18 with Nick Eaves

The Recruitment Agency Growth Podcast - Season 2 - Episode 18 with Sean Anderson and guest Nick Eaves Having co-founded Stanton House in 2010, Nick has been at the forefront of growing an award-winning Professional Services & Technology Recruitment Consultancy operating from UK, USA and Asia with over 85 staff. Previously he spent 15 years at Badenoch & Clark and became executive director and board member before being acquired by Adecco. Approaching the age of 40, Nick and his business partner Neil took a period of garden leave and then decided to take the plunge into starting their own recruitment agency. Nick was honest about how exciting and scary this was, especially as he hadn’t really been on the front line of recruitment delivery for a long time. However, he did feel that he had something to prove as a recruiter therefore he rolled his sleeves up and began to win business and fill jobs! Later as the team grew, he began to feel more comfortable in a leadership capacity where others who start agencies clearly do not! A humble guy with a warm nature - I am certainly not surprised that he has managed to grow such a great business. One for the Recruiters who may feel like they have 'missed the boat’ regarding starting their own agency… it really is never too late! -------- About Hoxo Media: We are committed to connecting marketing and sales teams within Recruitment agencies globally. On a mission to help 1000 agencies by 2025, we plan and execute strategic inbound marketing campaigns that deliver results and are aligned to specific business objectives i.e. driving business development for a specific team/division. We are currently working with Recruitment businesses all over the world to solve the following common problems: Little or no internal marketing resources or capability Lack of clear ROI generated from marketing for the sales teams Recruitment business heavily reliant on outbound methods to generate business (this can be candidates and/or clients) Lack of systems and processes to prove marketing campaigns can lead to sales activity Current sales processes are manual, time consuming and not utilising today's available technology We can impact business development by driving the right contacts inbound to your agency and proving the impact on sales. Services include: Strategic planning - audience and persona mapping Content creation & distribution Brand awareness and lead generation Marketing and Sales process automation What makes us unique? 1. We are ex Recruiters who fully understand the business 2. We only work with recruitment agencies 3. We combine people, process and technology to prove that Marketing can drive sales conversations through inbound marketing 4. We're a Certified Gold Partner Agency of Hubspot (the worlds leading Sales & Marketing Automation CRM) 5. We are the only HubSpot Partner Agency dedicated 100% to working with Recruitment Agencies Want to work with us? Contact [email protected] for an initial call. Follow us on Linkedin: LinkedIn:   / hoxo-media  
