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Strong 20 Day 4: 20-Minute Standing Abs with Weights

DAY 4 of our STRONG 20 CHALLENGE: 20-Minute STANDING ABS Workout (all about strength training the abs!) 🔥 You only need ONE DUMBBELL for this workout. This is strength training for your core: hitting every muscle between your shoulders and hips. ► This is DAY 4 of our Strong 20 Workout Challenge! Find all of our Strong in 20 Workouts in this playlist:    • Strong 20: Functional Strength Traini...   🚨SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL for more FREE workouts: 💜 Become a member of Team NML (for exclusive workouts, community + accountability):    / @nourishmovelove   ✨THE WORKOUT: 20-Minute Standing Abs with Weights ✨ ► EQUIPMENT: One medium to heavy dumbbell. We're using 10-20 lbs. 👉My dumbbells (affiliate link): *Discount Code: NML5 👉My oversized yoga mat is from Gorilla Mats (affiliate link):​​​ *Discount Code: NourishMoveLove ► INSTRUCTIONS: It looks like this: ✔️ 12 Standing Core Exercises ✔️ Timed Intervals (30 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest) ✔️ Repeat Each Exercise x2 Sets (back-to-back, then move on to the next exercise) ►Workout Outline: 1) Goblet Hold March 2) Lunge + Dumbbell Press Out + Knee Drive + Overhead Press - RIGHT 3) Front Lunge, Dumbbell Press Out, Knee Drive + Overhead Press - LEFT 4) Single Leg Deadlift + Dumbbell Pass - RIGHT 5) Single Leg Deadlift + Dumbbell Pass - LEFT 6) Diagonal Lift - RIGHT 7) Diagonal Lift - LEFT 8) Alternating Lateral Lunge + Halo 9) Rotational Lunge + Press - RIGHT 10) Rotational Lunge + Press - LEFT 11) Snatch + 2 Overhead March - RIGHT 12) Snatch + 2 Overhead March - LEFT ►TIME STAMPS: 00:00 Workout Introduction 01:00 Warm Up 04:05 Goblet Hold March 05:30 Front Lunge + Dumbbell Press Out + Knee Drive + Overhead Press 08:25 Single Leg Deadlift + Dumbbell Pass 11:30 Diagonal Lift 14:30 Alternating Lateral Lunge + Halo 16:15 Rotational Lunge + Press 19:20 1 Snatch + 2 Overhead March 22:40 Cool Down/Stretch ❤️ Find This Standing Abs Workout With Weights on NML: ► Cue up your favorite music, press 'play', and let's knock it out! Here's my workout playlist:​ _________________________________________________________ 👖 LINDSEY WEARING (affiliate links): ► Align Leggings -- ► Align Racerback Tank — ► Energy Bra - ► strongfeel Training shoes - 👖 RACHEL WEARING (affiliate links): ► Wunder Train Legging -- ► Power Pivot Tank -- ► Energy Bra - ► strongfeel Training shoes - _________________________________________________________ 👉🏼 DOWNLOAD the Free 2-Week Workout Challenge Here: WEEK 1: ▪️Day 1: Legs and Back -    • Strong 20 Day 1: 20-Minute Leg and Ba...   ▪️DAY 2: Arms and Shoulders -    • Strong 20 Day 2: 20-Minute Arm and Sh...   ▪️DAY 3: Glutes and Abs -    • Strong 20 Day 3: 20-Minute Abs and Gl...   ▪️DAY 4: Standing Core - 📍You are here! ▪️DAY 5: Full Body Functional Strength -    • Strong 20 Day 5: 20-Minute Full Body ...   WEEK 2: ▪️DAY 6: Legs and Chest -    • Strong 20 Day 3: 20-Minute Abs and Gl...   ▪️DAY 7: Back and Arms -    • Strong 20 Day 7: 20-Minute Back and A...   ▪️DAY 8: Thighs, Legs and Abs -    • Strong 20 Day 8: 20-Minute Thighs, Le...   ▪️DAY 9: Functional Core -    • Strong 20 Day 9: 20-Minute Functional...   ▪️DAY 10: Full Body Functional Training -    • Strong 20 Day 10: 20-Minute Full Body...   _________________________________________________________ ►🤰Is this workout Pregnancy-Friendly? With modifications. Follow the modifier and slow down moves as needed. Avoid deep rotations as your pregnancy progresses. Alternatively, sub this pregnancy ab workout with one dumbbell:    • 10-Minute Prenatal Core Workout (1 Du...   _________________________________________________________ 🚨SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL -- ►SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL NEWSLETTER: Get all of my full length workout videos in your email inbox, and all my insider details (like my favorite athletic gear and more)! ► Access ALL of my FREE 14-DAY + 30-DAY WORKOUT CHALLENGES: ►FOLLOW On Instagram:   / nourishmovelove #standingabsworkout #standingcore #coreworkout
