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15 Years of Video Business Knowledge in 35 Minutes

In this video, discover the essential knowledge gained from 15 years in the video production business, with a focus on running and growing a successful video company. Join me as I answer 10 key questions on topics like finding clients, pricing your services, and hiring freelancers. Whether you’re a videographer just starting out or a seasoned pro looking to refine your approach, this video dives deep into the challenges and strategies that come with running a video business, offering practical insights and tips to help you thrive in the industry. ⏱️ Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 0:45 Q1: Finding Clients 3:33 Q2: Video Service Pricing 7:14 Q3: Client Briefs 10:01 Q4: Day Rate for Conferences 13:13 Q5: Hiring Freelancers 15:36 Q6: Contract Essentials 18:07 Q7: Finding First Clients 21:14 Q8: Breaking into Videography 24:46 Q9: Retainer Pricing 29:07 Q10: Finding Work in a New City 34:40 Conclusion 📝 Business Links: 📧 Collab Inquiries: [email protected] 💻 Facebook Group:   / videographersconnect   💰Video Pricing Estimator: 🎥 All my trainings: 🎵 Music by Artlist: 💵 Direct Tips: ▶️ ATEM Tutorials:    • ATEM Mini Pro & Extreme Tutorials   🚨 Affiliate Disclaimer: Any links to products or services may be affiliate links that give me a small kickback at no cost to you, with no influence on the content.
