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Скачать с ютуб HOW TO melt crayons with Crayola's Crayon Melter в хорошем качестве

HOW TO melt crayons with Crayola's Crayon Melter 6 лет назад

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HOW TO melt crayons with Crayola's Crayon Melter

Make liquefied crayon designs with the Crayon Melter from Crayola®. Plug it in, load a crayon and create amazing art with melted crayons. The sleek, compact design is easy to use and has a low-heat tip for worry-free creativity. The melted crayon quickly dries cool to the touch on a wide variety of surfaces. Discover a whole new way to create with your Crayola®crayons. Includes 1 Crayon Melter unit with storage base and power adapter, 8 crayons, 3 sheets of cardstock, 1 Wrapper Ripper tool, and instructions. For kids 8 years and up. Subscribe to our Youtube channel!    / notionsmarketingcorp   Follow us on Facebook:   / notionsmarketing   Instagram:  / notionsmarketing   Twitter:   / notionsnews  
