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Скачать с ютуб Anke Höppner & Barry Ryan DIE BANDITEN (Offenbach) 1993 в хорошем качестве

Anke Höppner & Barry Ryan DIE BANDITEN (Offenbach) 1993 3 года назад

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Anke Höppner & Barry Ryan DIE BANDITEN (Offenbach) 1993

German born soprano, Anke Höppner, studied at the Hanns-Eisler Conservatorium in Berlin and won the First Prize in the Hanns-Eisler Liederwettbewerb and the Bayreuth Stipendium. After moving to Australia in the mid-1990s, Anke was contracted by Opera Australia and sang the title roles in Iphigénie en Tauride, Jenufa, Madama Butterfly and The Gypsy Princess - along with Mimi in La bohème, Lucretia Janz in Batavia, Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, The Foreign Princess in Rusalka and Emilia Marty in The Makropulos Secret. Australian baritone Barry Ryan graduated with honours from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music in 1981. His many awards for singing include the Shell Aria, the New York Metropolitan Auditions, Marten Bequest for Singing and the Vienna State Opera Award. He performed with companies including the Royal Opera Covent Garden, La Scala Milan, the Opera Comique in Paris, the Paris Opera Bastille, the Deutsche Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf, the Flemish Opera Antwerp, the Komische Oper Berlin, Basel Opera and the Otono Festival Opera Madrid. He was a principal artist with the Cologne Opera from 1988 to 1992 and in 1993 made his Australian Opera debut in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. These two joined extracts from a performance of Jacques Offenbach's operetta DIE BANDITEN (Les Brigands / The Bandits) finds them together at the Komische Oper Berlin in an entertaining production by Harry Kupfer. The Orchestra Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz Ludwigshafener Theaterchor is conducted by Caspar Richter at this performance from December 31st 1993.
