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干货分享 - 油醋沙拉汁的万用公式

Hello everyone, welcome to my channel! Today we are taking a look at the ultimate formula for a homemade vinaigrette. Enjoy! 哈喽大家好我是松灵!今天我要教大家做油醋汁。 Oils: 1. Extra virgin Olive oil 2. Neutral-flavoured oil (Grapeseed oil/Avocado oil/Canola oil) 3. Walnut/Hazelnut oil 4. Truffle oil 5. Sesame oil Acid: 1. White vinegar 2. Red wine vinegar 3. White wine vinegar 4. Apple cider vinegar 5. Balsamic vinegar 6. White balsamic vinegar 7. Lemon/lime juice 8. Rice vinegar 9. Ponzu (Japanese citrus vinegar) Seasoning: Salt and pepper Optional Flavours 1. Dry or fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano, dill, parsley, cilantro) 2. Spices (chili powder, red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, paprika, etc.) 3. Sweetener (sugar, honey) 4. Aromatic vegetables (red onions, scallions, shallots, ginger, garlic) 5. Hard cheese (shred or crumble it directly onto the salad right before serving) 6. Capers (use as a garnish right before serving) 7. Sauces (Dijon mustard, tahini, soy sauce, sriracha, mayonnaise, etc.) 8. Citrus juice What I usually make for my salad: All-purpose Vinaigrette: 3/8 cups extra virgin olive oil + 1/8 cup red wine vinegar + salt and pepper + a pinch of Italian spice mix + ½ minced shallots Chinese Style Vinaigrette: a drizzle of sesame oil + 1 tbsp rice vinegar + 1 tbsp soy sauce + 1tbsp sugar + 2 minced garlic cloves + 1 tsp minced ginger + (optional) finely-chopped fresh chili pepper Truffle Balsamic Vinaigrette: ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil + drizzle truffle oil (add directly to the salad right before serving) + 1/8 cup balsamic vinegar + salt and pepper + 1tbsp lemon juice + a light shaving of Parmigiano-Reggiano (add to the salad just before serving) Tips: On storing: store your vinaigrette in a sealed container and it can stay in the fridge for 2-4 weeks (depending on whether there’s fresh herbs/aromatic vegetables added). The vinaigrette might separate after a day or two, and the oil might solidify in a low-temperature environment. Take it out of the fridge and come up to room temp before using, and shake to emulsify again if necessary) Mayonnaise, Dijon Mustard and honey all serve dual-purpose for making vinaigrettes. They not only add flavours but also help your vinaigrette to emulsify. 油类: 1. 初榨橄榄油 2. 葡萄籽油 3. 牛油果油 4. 白松露油 5. 芝麻油 醋: 1. 白醋 2. 红葡萄酒醋 3. 白葡萄酒醋 4. 苹果醋 5. 意大利香醋 (balsamic vinegar) 6. 意大利白香醋 (white balsamic vinegar) 7. 柠檬汁/青柠檬汁 8. 米醋 9. 日式橙醋 基础调味: 盐和现磨黑胡椒 其他配料: 1. 干燥或者新鲜香草(迷迭香,百里香,罗勒,牛至/披萨草,莳萝,欧芹,香菜) 2. 香料(辣椒粉,红辣椒碎,卡宴辣椒粉,红甜椒粉等) 3. 甜味剂(糖,蜂蜜) 4. 紫洋葱,小葱,红葱头,姜,蒜 5. 干酪(以硬质干酪为主,吃之前擦碎直接撒在沙拉上) 6. 刺山柑 (吃之前直接撒在沙拉上) 7. 其他酱料:第戎芥末酱,芝麻酱(中式的或者是来自中东的Tahini),各类酱油,是拉差辣椒酱,美乃滋 8. 柑橘汁(柠檬汁/青柠汁/橙汁) 给大家举三个栗子: 中式凉拌汁:几滴芝麻油 + 15ml梁谷醋(镇江香醋/米醋/陈醋都属于梁谷醋)+ 15ml酱油 + 盐+ 1汤匙(15ml)糖 + 2个蒜瓣切成蒜蓉 + 1茶匙姜蓉 +(可不放)1-2个小米辣 万能西式油醋汁:90ml特级初榨橄榄油 + 30ml红酒醋 + 盐和黑胡椒 + 1小撮意大利混合香草碎 + 半个切碎的红葱头 土豪版松露意大利香醋汁:60ml初榨橄榄油 + 30ml意大利黑醋 + 少量白松露油 (吃之前直接淋在沙拉上)+ 盐和黑胡椒 + 15ml柠檬汁 + 干酪碎(吃之前再加) 小贴士: 做好的油醋汁密封保存可以在冰箱里储存2-4周 。这个时间取决于你的油醋汁的具体配料。有新鲜配料(比如说新鲜香草,辣椒,葱姜蒜blablablah…)的油醋汁我个人建议两周之内用完,如果里面只有干燥香草什么的冷藏存放一个月没什么问题。另外在存放过程中如果出现油醋分离或者是油脂凝固是正常现象。用之前从冰箱里拿出来室温下静置一会儿让油变回液态,然后再摇一摇就可以了。 美乃滋,第戎芥末酱以及蜂蜜除了调味之外还可以帮助油醋汁更快乳化,并且能延缓油水分离的时间 Produced, filmed, edited and hosted by Songling Shi Music: “To Edinburgh” by Ian Post Permissions granted courtesy of Artlist. Find me on INSTAGRAM:   / songlingshi   Email me: [email protected] BiliBili:
