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1927 Lemon Pudding - Old Cookbook Show

1927 Lemon Pudding - Glen And Friends Old Cookbook Show Today Glen Cooks a piece of culinary history from 1927; a lemon pudding cake or a lemon pudding dessert. This is from a Canadian community cookbook. Ingredients: 1 Tbsp melted butter 2 Tbsp flour Pinch salt Juice and rind of one lemon ¾ cup sugar Yolks of 2 eggs Whites of 2 eggs 1 cup milk Method: Mix butter, flour and salt until smooth, add juice and lemon rind, then sugar gradually. Yolk of eggs and milk. Fold in beaten whites. Bake in a dish set in a pan of water for 50 minutes in a slow oven. This channel is nothing without you our viewers! Thanks for watching the Old Cookbook Show and our Historical Cooking. #LeGourmetTV #GlenAndFriendsCooking Check out our Aviation and Flying Channel:    / glenshangar  
