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Скачать с ютуб Visiting the Gaspe Peninsular - Forillon National Park - Perce - Canada 🇨🇦 в хорошем качестве

Visiting the Gaspe Peninsular - Forillon National Park - Perce - Canada 🇨🇦 3 месяца назад

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Visiting the Gaspe Peninsular - Forillon National Park - Perce - Canada 🇨🇦

Hello, and Welcome. Today we continue to follow the southern shore of the St Lawrence River as it widens into the Gulf of St Lawrence, often cited as the worlds largest estuary. The far shore is now too far distant to easily see but close by are dramatic waterfalls and wonderful cliffs as the rocky waterside is decorated with lighthouses and pretty villages. As we arrive at the Forillon National Park we spot a mother bear and her two cubs wandering at the far side of a meadow in the shadow of the forest Steep stairs lead to an idyllic shingle beach as we near the end of the Gaspe Peninsular and our route turns south. We take a walk past heritage buildings left by former residents (some 220 families) of the area who were forced to leave their homes when the Park was created in the 1970`s. Our trail leads to the lighthouse at Cap Gaspe and then descends to a viewpoint close to the towering cliffs. Finally we arrive at our next stop overlooking the small town of Perce and the dramatic pierced rock, the Rocher-Perce. #canada #roadtrip #quebec #stlawrenceriver #gulfofstlawrence #rivierestlawrence parcnationalforillon #forillonnationalparc #lesgravescapgaspe #capgaspe #larocherperce #rocherperce #capgaspe #phareducapgaspe #capdelamadeleine #capmadeleinelighthouse #grandevallee #blackbears #capdesrosiers #capdesrosierslighthouse #phareducapdesrosiers #plageducapbonami #beachofcapbonami Hope you enjoy this everyone, And If you did please Like & Subscribe to my Channel. Many thanks for watching Ivor. Music used by Storyblocks -
