Третьи в нашем ассортименте яичных белков без муки, эти лепешки мягкие в тепле и твердеют, когда остынут, примерно до той же ...
1733499 2 года назад 6:03This video shows how to make keto tortillas using a simple recipe and a tortilla press. The creator shares their excitement about the recipe and emphasizes its ease and low carb count. They also discuss their experience with epilepsy and how it affects their daily life.
30361 9 месяцев назад 10:58This video demonstrates a recipe for a low-carb tortilla using almond flour, coconut flour, and nutritional yeast. The recipe includes a step-by-step guide for making the tortillas, both with and without a tortilla press. The video also offers tips for achieving the desired consistency and texture.
7709 1 месяц назад 4:02здоровье #
54 18 часов назад 6:33