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Скачать с ютуб Fantasy Medieval Night Village Ambience With Rain | Rain, Crackling Fire, Crickets, Owls Sounds в хорошем качестве

Fantasy Medieval Night Village Ambience With Rain | Rain, Crackling Fire, Crickets, Owls Sounds 5 месяцев назад

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Fantasy Medieval Night Village Ambience With Rain | Rain, Crackling Fire, Crickets, Owls Sounds

On a peaceful summer night in the medieval ages, the cooling rain began to fall. Relax and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of a summer night at a small tavern in front of the castle. To maintain body temperature, a crackling firewood blaze is nearby, where a cute cat rests comfortably beside it. Fireflies, avoiding the rain, gather near the tavern, casting their gentle glow. The night atmosphere filled with night lights such as candles and bonfires blends well with the cloudy sky, creating a dreamlike feeling. If I were truly here, after enjoying the prepared food, I would have felt content lying on the path, feeling the refreshing raindrops, and experiencing a sense of happiness :) I hope this video helps you relax and engage in pleasant daydreams as well. At the beginning of the video, we hear bells that seem to be moving back to the Middle Ages :) Hope the video helps you relax, sleep, or study 🙏☔🌳🍀 (P.S. I recommend adjusting the volume for a more comfortable sound. Occasionally, you can hear faint thunder from a distance.) I hope everyone always has safe, happy and peaceful days. Peace. (8Hours Rain, Crackling Fire, Crickets, Owls Sounds, Sleeping, Relaxing, Soothing, Study, Reminiscence, Insomnia, Instant Sleep) Thanks for watching. #NatureSounds #RainSounds #CracklingFireSounds #Crickets #OwlSounds #Asmr #Medieval #Fantasy (All videos on the channel are copyrighted by Choolutter, and DO NOT allow unauthorized reproduce, reuse, and re-upload of all or part of all elements such as video and sounds.) © 2024 Choolutter. All rights reserved.
