The video follows a runner participating in the Hurtwood 50k Trail Ultramarathon, a challenging race through the Heartwood Forest in Surrey. The runner shares their experience navigating the course, including steep hills, technical terrain, and a significant amount of mud, while also providing insights into their preparation and race strategy.
2216 2 года назад 14:34This video follows a runner participating in the Centurion 100 Hills 50k ultramarathon. The race takes place in the beautiful Chilton Hills, but the weather conditions are challenging, with relentless rain turning the course into a mud bath. The runner shares their experience navigating the difficult terrain and the aid stations along the way.
2657 1 год назад 15:34RUN THROUGH ROCKY TERRAIN & FORESTS ...
1514 4 года назад 1:03This video follows a runner's journey through their first 53km ultramarathon. They document their experience, highlighting the challenges of the course, including steep hills and muddy terrain. The runner shares their thoughts and feelings throughout the race, providing a glimpse into the mental and physical demands of ultra-distance running.
1050 1 год назад 23:23