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Скачать с ютуб 自制軟Q帶彈性的煎蕊 /Homemade soft and bouncy texture Cendol /Es Dawet в хорошем качестве

自制軟Q帶彈性的煎蕊 /Homemade soft and bouncy texture Cendol /Es Dawet 3 года назад

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自制軟Q帶彈性的煎蕊 /Homemade soft and bouncy texture Cendol /Es Dawet

"我们的视频着重展示美食制作过程,所有食材的来源都符合合法和道德标准。" 嗨!大家好!我是傻大姐!也是一個愛好煮食,烘培者! 煎蕊是一種在馬來西亞非常流行的甜食。煎蕊又名煎律、晶露、珍多冰,是印尼爪窪地區的傳統甜點,後來也流行於馬來西亞、新加坡以及泰國。今天傻大姐就教大家在家制作軟Q帶咬勁,滿滿香蘭味的煎蕊,吃個過癮! 制作煎蕊 材料: 12條 香蘭葉 (剪小段,加入150毫升清水,打汁,過濾,待用) 40克粘米粉 25克木薯粉 5克果凍粉 100ml清水 1/4 茶匙 鹽 1/4 茶匙 堿水(可呈現漂亮的香蘭綠色。如果不喜歡可忽略) 做法: 1.把40克粘米粉,25克木薯粉,5克果凍粉,倒入碗中,加入150毫升 香蘭汁,100毫升 清水,1/4 茶匙 鹽, 1/4 茶匙 堿水,攪拌均勻。 2.倒入鍋裏開中火,不停攪拌,煮至濃稠, 調去小火慢煮至濃稠就可以撈取,把煮好的面糊倒入煎蕊模具/塑膠袋 3.準備一碗冷水,裏面加冰塊,然後將面糊舀進煎蕊模具,套上推壓器,大力擠壓進冰水盆裏,即成煎蕊。如果沒有模具,可以使用塑膠袋,用剪刀在塑膠袋底(角)剪個小洞,然後就用手擠,一條條的煎蕊就會掉入碗中即可。 4.如果沒立刻吃的煎蕊,可以加入冷開水冷藏於冰箱(可以收藏2-3天)。 煎蕊刨冰做法: 椰漿材料: 200克椰漿,1茶匙鹽,100毫升 清水,混合後,煮滾即可 椰糖漿材料: 150克紅糖,30克紅糖,白糖30克,班蘭葉2條,100毫升清水,倒入鍋中,然後加入清水和班蘭葉煮,煮至糖完全融化及稍微濃關火待用。 其他材料:刨冰,罐頭紅豆和玉米 做法: 準備1個碗,加入刨冰,放入煎蕊,紅豆,玉米, 紅糖水,椰漿,完成即可享用。 食物不僅是生活的必需品,還是生活的準備。 我相信熱愛美食的朋友也熱愛生活。 希望每個人都能跟隨大姐的腳步,探索生活中更美好的事物。訂閱及分享就是給《傻大姐》最大的鼓勵了 感恩有您😊☺️😘😘 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homemade Cendol Hi! Hello everyone! I'm Shadajie ! Also a hobby of cooks! Cendol is a very popular dessert in Malaysia. Cendol, is a traditional dessert in Java, Indonesia, and later also popular in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Today, Shadajie make a great soft and bouncy texture at home with full of pandan flavored cendol, enjoy ! Making cendol: Ingredients: 12pcs pandan leaves (cut into small sections, add 150ml of water, blend into juice, strain and set aside) 40g rice flour 25g tapioca flour 5g jelly powder 100ml water 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon alkaline water/lye (alkaline water can turn pandan to be beautiful green. If you don't like it, you can ignore ) Practice: 1. Put 40g rice flour, 25g of tapioca powder, and 5g of jelly powder into a bowl, add 150 ml of pandan juice, 100 ml of water, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of alkaline water, and mix well. 2. Pour into the pot and turn on medium heat, stir constantly, cook until thick, reduce the heat and cook until it is thick, then pour the cooked batter into the cendol mold/plastic bag 3. Prepare a bowl of cold water, add ice cubes in it, then scoop the batter into the cendol mold, put on the pusher, squeeze it into the ice water basin, and serve as cendol. ***If you don't eat cendol immediately, you can add cold boil water to refrigerate it in the refrigerator (can be stored for 2-3 days). How to make cendol shaved ice: Coconut milk : 200g thick coconut milk/coconut cream, 1 teaspoon salt, 100ml water, after mixing, cook until boil Palm sugar syrup : 150g brown sugar, 30g brown sugar, 30g white sugar, 2 pandan leaf, 100ml water, pour into the pot, cook until the sugar is completely melted and turn off the heat for a while. Other ingredients: shave ice, canned red kidney beans and sweet corn cream style Practice: Prepare a bowl, add shave ice, cendol, red kidney beans, sweet corn cream, Palm sugar syrup, coconut milk, and ready to serve. Food is not only a necessity of life, but also a preparation for life. I believe that friends who love food also love life. I hope everyone can follow my footsteps and explore the better things in life. Subscription and sharing are the biggest encouragement to "Shadajie" Thank you. 歌曲:楊柳青青,夏季的秦淮雨 ► Facebook Page:   / shadajiekitchen   ► YouTube Page:    / @shadajie-kitchen   商業合作聯系 [email protected]
